Find Your Zodiac

Dine Under The Stars

Artist Sinem Disli and Ayza Wine & Chocolate Bar invite you to dine under the stars.

We are bringing the starlight indoors with the help of 33 handmade iridescent yellow light fixtures, arranged artfully with a gentle slope of the night sky. The yellowish-white color has been declared to be the average color of the universe in 2009, after the scientists had analyzed the light from 200.000 galaxies, formed by stars individually indistinguishable by the naked eye.

The artist captured that warm beige shade with yellow LED lights in 6 different sizes, which are then arranged in the shapes of 33 constellations. The bigger the sphere the closer the star. Blue iridescent bulbs, sprinkled throughout, represent 12 zodiac constellations.

Ayza Wine Chocolate Bar